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What Are The Benefits Of Having A Coach?

coaching Feb 01, 2022
What Are The Benefits Of Having A Coach?

When working with a coach, you’ll engage in a robust one-on-one relationship that engages you in a sincere and honest exploration of your goals and the actions required. Coaching supports, challenges, and holds you accountable to make consistent, often dramatic progress towards realizing your most important aspirations.

Coaching is about challenging and supporting you in reaching your full potential. Think of it as a dynamic, synergistic relationship with a professional partner who will care, guide, nurture, inspire, support, and challenge you to be your best and accomplish your greatest desires.

Through coaching, you can clarify your vision, overcome obstacles, change self-defeating beliefs and habits, build trust and goodwill with others, turn a business around, or do whatever else is called for to achieve extraordinary results. People use the coaching relationship to focus on personal and business goals.

Goals of Coaching

1. Visioning and Taking Action – Coaching is designed to get you into action and move you toward accomplishing your vision. The structure of the coaching relationship encourages you to have a forward-looking view of your life and take the initiative to make positive changes. The coaching conversation focuses on exploring the desired outcomes and actions you will take to achieve those outcomes. Your Coach will support you and hold you accountable for taking decisive action.

2. Learning and Self Discovery – The coaching relationship allows you to learn about yourself. Such learning is not a byproduct of coaching but an end in and of itself. Knowledge brings balance and perspective to the goals and actions associated with accumulating and accomplishing (having and doing). Through self-discovery, you will ground yourself in a higher level of emotional maturity (being) so that your vision and goals become fully aligned with who you indeed are.

3. Transcending Key Moments – Your coach will help you to learn new responses to your key moments. Key moments are situations and events that hold you back from taking positive action. It is often necessary to work with you to identify your habitual patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving when in your key moments to “forward the action.” Transcending key moments integrates both learning and self-discovery with taking action.

Coaching is for anyone motivated to become or accomplish more in life. Most people who seek and benefit from coaching are already successful and want to take their personal development or business results to even greater heights.

A coaching relationship will work for you if:

  1. You can identify a gap between where you are and where you want to be
  2. Are willing to learn and make new choices
  3. Have the persistence to do what it takes to make progress

Please schedule a discovery call today if you want more information or to learn if coaching will work for you.


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