Robert Grossman Earns Psychological Safety Coach Certification
Aug 02, 2021
Innovative New Executive Coaching Tools Help Build High Performing Teams Effective in
Complex and Changing Business Environments
Los Angeles, CA (Oct. 25, 2019) – National executive coaching and consulting firm Black Diamond Leadership announced today that the company’s founder and chief executive officer, Robert Grossman, has joined the first cohort of US graduates to earn the Fearless Organization’s Certification in Psychological Safety Coach, which includes access to a brilliant assessment tool created by, Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management, Harvard Business School.
Black Diamond Leadership’s executive coaches help organizations and teams achieve peak performance through growth in key areas, from communication to teamwork; increased employee engagement; and by strengthening processes and organizational structure through high-performance leadership. Robert S. Grossman is now one of eighteen consultants in North America certified by the Fearless Organization to implement the program’s team assessment tools, provide interventions, and build psychologically safe teams.
“Psychological safety must be a critical component of a company’s culture to achieve high-performance,” said Robert Grossman. “Based on 20 years of research and experience, Black Diamond Leadership’s coaching programs and leadership academy help strengthen management skills in four critical areas: self-management and personal effectiveness; interpersonal relationships, communication, and trust; teamwork and collaboration; and leadership. We look forward to adding psychological safety as a component to our high-performing teams and skilled leaders.”
Created by Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson, the Fearless Organization’s Psychological Safety model provides practical guidance for teams to achieve success in a modern economy that offers a continuous influx of new ideas, by building an environment where critical thought is welcome, not silenced or ridiculed. Psychological safety enables mutual respect through candor and openness, setting high standards, and inspiring team members to reach them. A psychologically safe organization promotes ongoing learning and adaptability in an ever-changing world.
“Companies with a trusting workplace perform better,” said Amy Edmondson, author of The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth. “Psychological safety isn’t about being nice. It’s about giving candid feedback, openly admitting mistakes, and learning from each other. That kind of organizational culture is increasingly important in the modern economy.”
“Noomii’s certified leadership coaches see a correlation between leaders struggling with emotional intelligence and a lack of psychological safety in their teams,” said Stephan Wiedner, CEO and Co-Founder of Noomii. “The team assessment tools and interventions now offered by Robert Grossman and our first cohort of Fearless Certified Psychological Safety Coaches can help reduce these barriers to innovation, creativity, and effective teamwork.”
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